Frequently asked questions

We have tried to collect the most frequently asked questions here. If you have one what you can’t find, don’t hesitate to contact us!

Can I rent a bike as a foreign citizen?

Yes, of course, anyone from any country can rent one! All you need is a passport, residence permit, and Hungarian address.

What should I do if I get a flat tire?

You can change the tire yourself if you are skilled enough or you can take it to any nearby bicycle repair shop. We cannot reimburse the cost of tire repair.

The brake pads are worn out. What should I do?

When you notice that the brake pads are weakening, please arrange a time with us when you can come to replace them. Normally, the replacement is at our expense.

Can I have someone else replace the brake pads?

Yes, but in this case we will not reimburse the replacement cost.

An electrical component has failed. What happens in this case?

Contact us as soon as possible to discuss the problem. We are also available by phone during working hours, and outside of working hours you can send an SMS or Whatsapp message and we will respond as soon as we can.

If the bike needs to be repaired, will I get a replacement bike?

If the repair is not done immediately, we will try to provide a replacement bike. If we do not have a free bike available, we will of course credit the lost time.

Can I rent multiple bikes?

No, one person can only rent one bike. If a friend or family member would like to rent one, they also need to sign a contract with us.

I had an accident. What should I do?

The most important thing is that you are okay. If necessary, call an ambulance and the police. The general emergency number available in Hungary is 112. If you can, let us know and we will discuss what to do.

Is the bike damaged, do I have to pay?

We take photos every time we hand it over, and we compare them when we return it. It happens that there is damage to the frame or to the brake lever, pedals, etc. We will bill you for the repair costs, and we will not make any profit from this.

My rented bike was stolen. What happens now?

First, notify us and call the police immediately. You must file a report. If the bike was properly locked at the time of the theft, the insurance will probably cover most of the bike’s value and we will only bill you the difference. If the insurance company does not pay, for example because it was not locked, we will unfortunately have to pay the full purchase price.